Saturday, March 26, 2011

1 Year Down

This was the scenario a year ago:
I went to bed on March 25th at 12am. At 3 am I started feeling my first contractions. After about 3 hours of rotating from our bed, to Liam's floor, to the shower, I finally woke Dylan up and told him that I thought today was the day. Actually I cried telling him, because I was so scared that it was actually happening. Then after a crazy day Liam was born at 5:05pm.

It is only by the grace of God that we survived this first year. In a way it feels like a blur but in another way it feels like soooo much has happened. There are so many people to thank for helping us get through this year. First off, my amazing husband. He has been the biggest blessing in my life. It's kind of like soldiers that have been at war together. They have this special bond because only they know exactly what it's like to go through what they went through. Only Dylan knows how hard it was those first couple of months and he was a trooper. Then there are our parents. They came to the rescue whenever we needed help. We were actually able to get out of the house because of them. They cleaned, fed us, and loved Liam well. We had lots of help and fun from siblings, our church, college friends, and crusade staff.

It's been a year of ups and downs, but we made it.

Happy Birthday Little Buddy! You make our world a brighter place

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