Thursday, June 30, 2011

Arts and Crafts Day

Liam and I attempted some arts and crafts today. Needless to say it didn't go as planned. I bought him some new Toy Story paper and a set of watercolors. We sat down and all he wanted to do was dip the paintbrush in the water. So I thought maybe I should make some finger paint. I mixed yogurt with some food coloring in a little pallet and immediately when I set it on the table Liam stuck his finger in it and ate it. He didn't even hesitate. Finger painting quickly turned into paint eating. Maybe he's not ready for all this, but he had a good time.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

What LHS has meant

From my journal on Monday

"So, Lake Hart Stint is over and we are now in St. Pete. When I think about LHS being over I get sad, and I didn't think I would get this emotional about it. When we finally laid on the floor of our empty apartment at Cypress Lake, I started tearing up. This apartment represented so much and it is where God restored so much.

- I came as a worn out, tired woman and was leaving as a woman who literally had new life in her
- I came somewhat resenting motherhood and am leaving seeing it as a true blessing
- My son came as a source of great frustration for me and is leaving as a source of great joy
- I cam doubting God's goodness and am leaving with full faith that he has my best in mind
- Dylan and I cam as two individuals, co-existing in the same space just trying to survive and are leaving stronger and more in love than before
- My husband came exhausted from ministry and lack of vision and is leaving motivated with a better dream than he could have ever dreamt of

As I laid on the floor I thought of these things and how God has been so good to us. The walls of that apartment represented his blessings in our lives"