Thursday, August 12, 2010

Motherhood Woes

Last night it took Liam 2 hours to fall asleep. Why? I don't know. It seems like nothing is working. When he's awake, he's very happy, but once bedtime comes, he freaks out. He goes down swinging every time. I think there have only been 2 bedtimes where is has gone to sleep without screaming. And people keep telling me that it gets better, but guess what, it's not. We try to let him cry it out and it doesn't help. He just hates his bed. And even after he's asleep, it's not like he's out for the night. He'll wake up about 6 times during the night. I know he's not hungry, because if you've seen my boy, he's VERY healthy. Today is 20 weeks and the most he has slept without waking has been 5 hours (and he's only done that twice). I'm about over that. I'm over sleepless nights. I'm over bedtime screamfests. To all the moms out there it's not helpful if you tell me that your baby never slept until it was like a year old. That makes me depressed and I need some hope these days. I know it's a possibility. Also, don't ask me how he's sleeping unless you are offering to take him for the night (exception to recent moms and close friends). It's one of those small talk questions that drive me crazy because you don't really care if he's sleeping you've just heard that babies don't sleep so you want to see how he compares. It's a cruel reminder to my restless reality.

That's all I got for now.

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