Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Exausting Days

Well, our little guy has been quite a treat the past few days. Starting on Friday he was fussy all day but ended the day by sleeping 6 hours that night. Victory! Then Saturday he was a delight. He napped well during the day giving mom and dad a chance to go to the movies while his GiGi watched him. Then that night he slept almost 8 hours!! On Sunday we headed to Sanibel to visit our friend the Valiquettes for a day, and that is when things headed south. Literally he was great in the car and once we got to Sanibel he decided he was going to eat every 2 hours and not sleep. That night he was so fussy and hungry I was up the whole night. Then on Monday he was still fussy, hungry, and sleepless. From 7am to 7pm he napped a total of ONE HOUR. That's right, one hour. Let's just say this was not one of my favorite days. When we finally got home to Miami at 9pm last night, we were so exhausted and were just praying for this day to be over. He woke up a lot last night, I think because he was adjusting to being back home. And right now as I'm typing, he's sleeping on my chest and I'm afraid to move him since he's been so bad at napping. I'm hoping that this was just a growth spurt and we can move on to bigger and better things.

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