Friday, November 14, 2014

I'm Still Here and I'm a Terrible Blogger

Yes, I'm still around. It's been a couple weeks since I've written anything but that hasn't been from a lack of business. This is precisely why I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. I love that it gives me a platform and space to share my ideas and creativity but I hate how I often feel enslaved by it and feel like a failure when days or weeks go by without me writing anything. I don't really know how other people have time to document their life, edit photos, upload those photos and then write a cleverly written post about it. I told myself when I started that I would try to do everything from my phone because I knew that it would never happen if I had to transfer everything to my computer first.

So maybe you are awesome at blogging and post something every other day. Or maybe you're like me, who started a blog once and then life got busy and you didn't have time to update it. Good for you. I've learned that I need to be OK with being a lazy blogger. Sure I might not keep people's interest or might not generate a following, but that's not the point. I just want to share my thoughts and maybe encourage someone else to do the same.

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