Monday, May 2, 2011

The Tough Transition into Motherhood

Last week I spent sometime evaluating different areas of my life and was really disappointed to find that I'm not doing so well. Once Liam came, life stopped and I hoped at this point I would be back to the familiar me, but I'm not. My life isn't much different than it was one year ago. The only area that I can see growth is in my mothering skills. Everything else, like my relationship with God, time with friends, doing things that refresh me, managing my home, etc., has taken a major downturn. It's like I don't know how to be me in this new role as a mother and keep up with all these other areas in life. I mean, I good day for me is Liam eating and sleeping well, beyond that, I make no promises. At this point I was hoping to be thriving again, having a deep relationship with God, enjoying my family, spending great time with friends, being healthy and taking care of my body, and having a clean home. I don't know how to merge what was true of my life before into this new role as a mother. It's not that I have high expectations on what my life should look like, I just don't know how to put it all together. I've been in survival mode for over a year now and I don't know how to move on to a more sustainable life.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there-

    I stumbled upon your blog when googling "jj cole swag bag reviews"... ha!, but started reading various posts and had to comment on this one in particular! I'm a new mom (9 weeks in!) and I can see how all things "mommyhood" can completely take over! If you're like me, you want to be the best at everything and there's just a lot of "everything" these days.... it's hard to be awesome at all of it! So, cut yourself some slack - I'm sure you are fantastic in all of your roles!

    Now, do me a favor and please leave the same comment on my identical post a year from now.... deal? ;)
