Monday, September 22, 2014


Books: Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf - Lois Ehlert; Why do Leaves Change Color? - Betsy Maestro
Music: Leaves are Falling and for the adults Autumn Leaves
Activity: Collect Leaves. That is if you live somewhere where the leaves change, otherwise just look at a book.
Art: Watercolor leaves. This lesson says to use liquid watercolor in droppers. I've done a similar project with coffee filters and washable markers and then you spray the filter with water to get the colors to spread. Markers seem less of a hazard than liquid watercolors. But she has a template already made so we'll go with that for now. Maybe I will make my own later.
Food: Maple Leaf cookies from Trader Joe's or if you are feeling really ambitious and have lots of time on your hands you can try these Martha Stewart ones Homemade

I didn't do that much this week since I had a baby shower on the weekend and was busy making crafty things for it. Neither of the books I suggested were available at the library so instead we got It's Fall by Linda Glaser and Leaf Jumpers by Carole Gerber.

I printed three types of leaves and cut them out on coffee filters. We used markers because liquid watercolors seemed way too messy. However, the markers took forever. Eventually I had to start giving the kids a time limit on each marker so they would hurry up and move on.

Our leaves all colored. The bottom three are the ones I did very quickly. 

I put the leaves on a paper bag and then sprayed with a bottle of water to make the colors bleed. Then, we placed them outside to be dried by the sun. 

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