Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Feeding a Picky Toddler

Liam wasn't always a picky eater but the last 7 months have been pretty tough to get him to eat good things. What used to be one of his favorite food, Mac and Cheese, he will not even touch now. No pasta or rice. He doesn't even like milk. If he had his way, he would be eating fruit and carbs for every meal. So it's been a challenge to get him to eat protein, veggies, and dairy. In the last couple of days he has started to eat cheese again. He will try orange veggies, but green veggies, no way. And as far as meat goes, it just depends on what kind of mood he's in.

I kind of have been driving myself crazy trying to get him to eat a balanced diet. The main thing that was working was making him a smoothie in the morning. I would put milk, yogurt, frozen fruit, and spinach in it. That way I knew he got some calcium, protein, and veggies right from the start. Unfortunately Liam broke our blender last week, so there have been no smoothies. For other meals, it's like I have to trick him to get him to eat. Most of the time it just leaves me feeling defeated and him in tears. Searching for any kind of help online, I found an article from Dr. Sears website titled 17 Tips For Pleasing the Picky Eater . This has changed my whole approach. I can honestly say that I haven't been stressed out about it. He has been eating more real food and less snacks or organic baby food pouches. I made this card of some of the tips that I want to put into effect and have placed it on my refrigerator as a reminder.

I just need to relax and trust that he will let us know if he's hungry and as long as we commit to only offering foods that our good for him, he will be alright.

Now, we need to tackle the whole "discipline" thing.

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